Dr. Bill Sterett Elected as a Member of the ASES
Dr. Bill Sterett, MD, a renowned orthopaedic shoulder surgeon at Vail-Summit Orthopaedics & Neurosurgery, was recently elected to join the ranks of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) as a Candidate Member.
Why Are ACL Tears So Common in Female Soccer Players?
ACL tears are one of the most common injuries in soccer. In fact, studies have shown that female soccer players are 4-5 times more likely to suffer an ACL tear than their male counterparts.
Rotator Cuff Pain: Tendonitis or Tear?
Are you experiencing shoulder pain or weakness? Is it difficult to lift your arm above your head? You might be dealing with a rotator cuff injury — one of the most common sources of shoulder pain.
Why Is My Knee Locking Up?
Is your knee locking or catching? Are you unable to bend or fully straighten your knee? If this sounds familiar, you might be dealing with a meniscus tear. Here’s how to recognize the symptoms of a torn meniscus.
Did I Tear My ACL or MCL?
Here's how to recognize the difference between an ACL and MCL tear and the treatment options for both injuries.
Female Athletes and ACL Tears: Why Prevention is Key
Learn why females have a higher risk of ACL injuries, along with recommended prevention strategies by Dr. Sterett, the leading expert in female ACL reconstruction.
What Is A Torn ACL?
Here’s how to recognize the symptoms of a tear in the ACL and your treatment options for this injury.
What Is Jumper’s Knee?
Here’s how to know if you have Jumper’s Knee and the treatment options for this condition.
What Does a Torn Shoulder Ligament Feel Like?
Shoulder ligaments — the fibrous tissues that connect the bones of the shoulder joint to each other — can tear due to repetitive or traumatic stress.
What to Know About Meniscus Surgery
Not all meniscus tears require surgery, but all meniscus tears need professional orthopedic treatment. Failure to properly care for a meniscus injury can lead to chronic knee issues and severely reduce your quality of life.
Biceps Tear vs. Biceps Tendinitis: How to Spot the Difference
Here’s how to recognize the difference between biceps tears and biceps tendinitis, and how each injury is treated.
When To Be Concerned About Knee Grinding
Here’s when to be worried about your knee grinding and when to schedule an appointment with an orthopaedic knee expert.
Frequently Asked Questions About Rotator Cuff Tears
Sometimes, after a fall or overuse, the rotator cuff can tear. Here are some frequently asked questions Dr. Sterett and his team receive from patients with a rotator cuff injury.
Landing Risks and Female ACL Tears
Here are the risk factors relate to our female athletes and contribute to their higher rates of ACL injuries.
Two Reasons Your Knee Hurts
Pain in your knee is not a condition, it’s a symptom of a deeper issue. Here are two common reasons you’re experiencing knee pain.
When To Consider Shoulder Replacement Surgery
Here’s what to know about shoulder joint replacement and when to discuss this procedure with your orthopaedic physician.
Signs You Tore Your Meniscus While Playing Golf
Meniscus injuries are common in golfers. All the twisting movements involved in golf can put stress on the ligament, causing it to tear.
What Is Swimmer’s Shoulder?
Swimmer’s shoulder is a common term that refers to shoulder impingement. This is an overuse injury typically seen in athletes whose sports involve repetitive shoulder movements.
Do I Need a Knee Cartilage Transplant?
Generally, knee cartilage transplant candidates are younger, more active people experiencing knee pain caused by worn cartilage.
Why Does My Knee Keep Giving Out?
When a knee is regularly locking or giving out while doing basic, day-to-day activities, you may be experiencing knee instability.