The Benefits of Double-Bundle ACL Reconstruction with Dr. William Sterett
“This procedure allows us to closely replicate the original anatomy of the ACL,” explains Dr. Sterett. “By addressing both bundles, we can enhance knee stability, particularly in dynamic movements common in sports.”
Your Top Questions About ACL Tears, Answered
A suspected ACL injury comes with a feeling of uncertainty, along with many questions. Did I tear it? Will I need surgery? How long will I be out of commission? Here, we will address some of the most common questions Dr. Sterett receives about ACL tears, including symptoms, treatment options, and recovery expectations.
Why Are ACL Tears So Common in Female Soccer Players?
ACL tears are one of the most common injuries in soccer. In fact, studies have shown that female soccer players are 4-5 times more likely to suffer an ACL tear than their male counterparts.
Female Athletes and ACL Tears: Why Prevention is Key
Learn why females have a higher risk of ACL injuries, along with recommended prevention strategies by Dr. Sterett, the leading expert in female ACL reconstruction.
Female ACL Tears: 3 Jumping And Landing Risks & Recommendations
Studies have indicated that women tend to land with different mechanics than their male counterparts. This has proven to be a factor in the high rate of ACL tears among our female athletes.