Is Shoulder Popping Normal?

The sensation of shoulder popping can raise concerns for individuals, prompting questions about its implications and management. Dr. William Sterett, a distinguished orthopedic surgeon and esteemed shoulder specialist at Vail-Summit Orthopaedics & Neurosurgery (VSON) in Frisco, CO, offers clarity on this common shoulder phenomenon.

Dr. Sterett is a member of the American Shoulder and Elbow Society, which requires not only specialty training in Shoulder Surgery, but an ongoing commitment to the advancement and understanding of shoulder injuries. By exploring the causes, associated symptoms, potential conditions, and treatment options in this article, patients gain a comprehensive understanding of shoulder popping and strategies for symptom relief and prevention.

What is Shoulder Popping?

Shoulder popping, characterized by audible or palpable sensations of clicking, popping, or grinding within the shoulder joint, can arise from various sources. Dr. Sterett states, "Shoulder popping may originate from dynamic interactions between the bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage within the joint. While occasional popping may be harmless, persistent or painful popping warrants evaluation to determine underlying pathology."

What Causes a Shoulder to Pop?

There can be several different reasons your shoulder pops. Rotator cuff issues – such as dysfunction or tears in the rotator cuff tendons – can disrupt the normal movement patterns within the shoulder joint, potentially causing popping sensations. Labral tears, which involve tears in the cartilage rim (labrum) surrounding the shoulder socket, can also contribute to instability and popping sensations during shoulder movement. Additionally, conditions like glenohumeral instability, which can result from shoulder dislocation or subluxation, can manifest with audible or palpable popping sensations. Furthermore, bony abnormalities, such as structural irregularities in the bones of the shoulder joint, may lead to audible noises during movement.

These issues are often accompanied by symptoms like discomfort, weakness, instability, or restricted range of motion, highlighting the importance of seeking evaluation and appropriate treatment for shoulder-related concerns. Dr. Sterett emphasizes, "Persistent shoulder popping accompanied by pain, functional limitations, or recurrent instability necessitates thorough evaluation by a shoulder specialist to identify underlying conditions and formulate an appropriate treatment plan."

Conditions and Treatment for Shoulder Popping

Upon evaluation, potential conditions contributing to shoulder popping may encompass a variety of issues that require targeted management. Rotator cuff tears, whether partial or complete, may lead to conservative treatment with physical therapy to strengthen surrounding muscles and improve shoulder stability. In cases where conservative measures are insufficient, surgical intervention may be recommended for repair of the torn rotator cuff tendons.

Labral tears are another potential cause of shoulder popping and instability. Symptomatic labral tears often require surgical repair or stabilization procedures to address the underlying pathology and restore normal shoulder function. These procedures aim to alleviate popping sensations and improve the overall stability of the shoulder joint.

Additionally, bony impingement, characterized by structural abnormalities such as bone spurs or impingement syndromes, can contribute to shoulder popping. In such cases, arthroscopic intervention may be necessary to address the bony abnormalities and alleviate impingement. These targeted interventions are tailored to each patient's specific condition and aim to optimize shoulder function and alleviate symptoms associated with shoulder popping.

Patient Experience and Prevention

From the initial notice of shoulder popping to resolution, the patient journey entails comprehensive assessment, diagnosis, and a tailored treatment plan. Dr. Sterett elaborates, "Patients undergo a thorough evaluation, including clinical examination, imaging studies, and, if indicated, arthroscopic evaluation to identify the underlying cause and devise an individualized treatment."

Preventive measures to mitigate shoulder popping symptoms and recurrence include:

  • Strengthening and stabilization exercises targeting the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint.

  • Maintaining proper posture and biomechanics during daily activities and athletic pursuits.

  • Implementing appropriate warm-up and cooldown routines to optimize shoulder flexibility and function.

Shoulder popping represents a multifaceted phenomenon with various underlying causes and treatment considerations. Dr. Sterett's expertise empowers patients to navigate shoulder popping with confidence, facilitating timely intervention, and optimal shoulder health.

Get Back in the Game with Team Sterett’s  Expert Care 

Dr. Sterett and his team of sports medicine specialists at Vail-Summit Orthopaedics & Neurosurgery are the preferred choice for those wanting the highest level of care.

Contact Team Sterett today for personalized treatment that will get you back to your peak performance. Call (970) 476-7220 today or request a consultation using our online form.

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Dr. Sterett offers the convenience of telemedicine. As a highly sought-after expert by patients across the country, you can schedule a virtual consultation today to receive his unparalleled care from the comfort of your home.


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