5 + Famous Football (Soccer) Players Who Tore Their ACL - And Returned
While ACL Tears are definitely a common occurrence in soccer, the encouraging news is that in this day and age it is perfectly reasonable to expect athletes to return from the injury even better than before.
Loose-Jointed Athletes and ACL Tears
Ok, so some people are loose-jointed. But why does it matter? Here's why. Hyper-lax female athletes actually have a 4-5 times higher ACL risk than other female athletes.
How Adopting the Right Mindset Can Help You Recover from Orthopedic Surgery
Just because you are not a world-cup winning skier, NBA player, or college soccer star doesn't mean you can't recover like one!
5 Ways to Stop Knee Pain
Nobody wants to have their quality of life diminished by pain. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to help stop knee pain without having to undergo surgery. I'll outline a few here today!
The AC Joint (Shoulder) Separation
When we talk about the AC Joint Separation, we are referring to a “shoulder separation”. Most often, we see this injury in football and other contact sports.
Dr. Sterett Films New Commercial For Colorado Ski Hall of Fame Programming
Dr. Sterett is proud to support the Colorado Ski Hall of Fame, which includes many of his friends and colleagues
What are Medial Meniscus Tears?
Medial meniscus tears impact the "cushion cartilage" of the knee. With damage to the medial meniscus, we face an increased risk of osteoarthritis.
In An Olympic Year, Athletes May Take More Risk For More Reward
The Olympics only come around once every 4 years. Some of our more talented competitors have the chance to compete at more than one Olympic games. But many others get only one shot at it.
Should You Get Stem Cell treatments For Knee Arthritis?
Stem Cells for arthritis are everywhere... but ARE they the real deal for your knee? There are several different aspects of stem cell treatment. Find out more about stem cell treatments here.
3 Videos For Parents of Kids and Teens with ACL Tears
Nobody wants to deal with their child being hurt or injured. But, as I know from personal experience, having kids and teens who are active in competitive sports creates a potential for injuries, one of the scariest being ACL tears.
U.S. Ski And Snowboard Team Unveils New Logo for Sports Medicine Team
Dr. Sterett will proudly display this logo on his websites as he celebrates 20 years as the Head Physician for U.S. Ski.
Why Do Loose-Jointed People Have More ACL Tears?
Are you loose-jointed? Dr. Sterett talks about why you have a 5x greater risk of suffering an ACL tear.
The Ultimate 5 Minute Video Guide to ACL Tears
So you tore your ACL and you've got questions. The Knee Doctor has you covered with this series of quick & informative videos.
When Should You see a Doctor For Knee Pain? Here are 5 good reasons.
So, you've got pain in your knee. When should you see a doctor?
5 Things I Learned From Practicing Sports Medicine with Richard Hawkins
I consider Hawk to be one of my very best friends. Having been his partner for many years and having trained under him has made this a very special and unique relationship in my life. He’s been my "coach" and confidante for many years.
5 Things I Learned From Practicing Sports Medicine with Richard Steadman at the Steadman-Hawkins Clinic
I learned so much from Richard. We worked together for 18 years, so this is in no way an exhaustive list, but it will give you an idea of why Dr. Steadman was considered one of, if not the best, surgeons in the sports medicine world.
These 5 Famous Pro Athletes Will Inspire You With What They Achieved After Tearing Their ACL
Dealing with a Knee injury is not fun, but in this day and age, it doesn't have to be career-ending. In fact, there are some athletes who had amazing careers despite basically playing with no ACL.
What is SCP (The Subchondroplasty Procedure)?
When we see these bony changes on MRI, we perform a procedure, by injecting a bone graft substitute into the bone to seal up the insufficiency problem.
What is Cortisone and What Does a Cortisone Shot Do?
Cortisone is a 30 year old medication that we rarely use anymore. While it is a very strong anti-inflammatory medication, it also had some destructive properties to the joints and tendons.
Which Sport Has The Most (Highest Percentage) of ACL Tears?
Well, we know that ACL injuries will occur most often in what we call "agility" sports. This fact is even more true when we look at our young high school athletes. Unfortunately, an ACL tear can be a major setback the health and well-being of the young athlete.