Diagnosing Shoulder Pain: Three Common Causes
Your shoulder joint is composed of muscles, bones, and tendons. An injury to any section (or sections) of your shoulder can cause painful shoulder symptoms.
Shoulder Separation vs Dislocation: What’s the Difference?
Shoulder separations are often confused with shoulder dislocations. However, there are significant differences between these two injuries - including how orthopaedic physicians treat them.
What Are the Risks of a Second Shoulder Dislocation?
When an athlete dislocates their shoulder, the risk of a secondary dislocation is fairly predictable. Depending on their age and the type of sport they participate in, a second shoulder separation could be life-threatening.
What Are the Most Common Shoulder Injuries?
Have a rotator cuff tear, shoulder impingement, or shoulder dislocation? Consulting a sports medicine specialist for the most common shoulder injuries is key.
What’s The Difference Between Shoulder Dislocation and Shoulder Separation?
I hear people refer to shoulder separations and shoulder dislocations as the same thing quite often. Let’s clear up the confusion.
The AC Joint (Shoulder) Separation
When we talk about the AC Joint Separation, we are referring to a “shoulder separation”. Most often, we see this injury in football and other contact sports.