Dr. William Sterett
Providing Knee Arthroscopy in Eagle County
Outpatient Knee Arthroscopy in the Vail Valley
Dr. Sterett and his team at Vail-Summit Orthopaedics & Neurosurgery are experts in a surgical technique known as knee arthroscopy. Team Sterett utilizes knee arthroscopy for one of two reasons:
To diagnose your knee pain
Surgically treat a knee injury
Because this method allows Dr. Sterett to make a small incision (verses the larger incision for open surgery), patients are often able to recover from knee surgery more quickly with less pain and stiffness.
When Is Knee Arthroscopy Used?
There are several knee injuries and conditions that benefit from knee arthroscopy. These include:
Meniscus Repair: Each knee has two c-shaped meniscal pads that act as a cushion between the femur and tibia in the knee joint. When the meniscus is torn, it can cause pain, swelling, and tenderness that make it difficult to bear weight. Depending on the location and severity of the meniscus tear, Dr. Sterett may recommend knee arthroscopy to repair the damaged fibers.
ACL Reconstruction: Knee arthroscopy is the ACL reconstruction method of choice for professional athletes and other active patients.
Relieving Swollen Synovium: Synovium is the membrane that surrounds the knee joint. It lubricates and helps nourish the knee. When the synovium becomes inflamed, it can cause swelling and pain in the knee. Dr. Sterett typically uses knee arthroscopy to remove the swollen sections of the membrane, providing almost instant relief.
Knee Cartilage and Bone Repair: Cartilage and bones in the knee can be damaged through injuries (such as a knee fracture), tissue tears, and inflammation. Knee arthroscopy can help remove bone or cartilage fragments that are impacting the knee joint's normal function.
Although this surgical method has become a common procedure, it's important to find a skilled orthopaedic physician who specializes in treating knee conditions using knee arthroscopy.
What Happens During Knee Arthroscopy?
During this procedure, the patient will be given anesthesia. The incision site will be sterilized and your knee will be positioned and stabilized.
Dr. Sterett will make a couple of small incisions in the knee that will then be pumped with saline to clean out the site. A tiny camera (called an arthroscope) will be inserted into the knee through one of the incisions - this allows Dr. Sterett to see inside the knee joint and inspect the damaged area.
Finally, small surgical tools are inserted into the knee to treat the injury or condition. The saline is then drained from the knee joint and the incisions are stitched closed.
Benefits to Knee Arthroscopy
There are numerous benefits to the patient, including:
Minimally invasive surgery
Shorter surgery times
Faster recovery times
Less knee scaring
Reduced risk of complications
Decreased pain after surgery
Knee arthroscopy is a state-of-the-art surgical method that has transformed the way Dr. Sterett and other orthopaedic physicians diagnose and treat knee injuries. With over 30 years of expertise, Dr. Sterett is the go-to knee surgeon in the Vail Valley.
Contact Team Sterett To Discuss If Knee Arthroscopy Is Right For You
If you believe that knee arthroscopy is right for you, contact Team Sterett today! Dr. Sterett is a board-certified, fellowship-trained physician who specializes in treating knee injuries and diagnosing knee pain. Request a consultation today at (970) 476-7220 or by submitting an online appointment request form.